Captive by Brenda Joyce

Captive by Brenda Joyce from  in  category
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Title: Captive
Author: Brenda Joyce
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9780062046390
File Size: 2.30 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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"The haunting song of a distant era calls the beautiful graduate student to her subject, the enigmatic Captain Blackwell.

Across the centuries, she is drawn by an inexplicable passion into a realm of mystery and danger--to be imprisioned in an opulent world of harem intrigue and sensuous slavery.

And now Blackwell is with her--patriot, privateer, heroic commander of the U.S. merchantman the Pearl--the dream, the desire made achingly real. Imperiled captives of fate, they are united by a power far greater than time--and by a passion that could destroy them both . . . or forever change the course of history.


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