Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services by Deepak Vohra

Java 7 JAX-WS Web Services by Deepak Vohra from  in  category
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Author: Deepak Vohra
Category: Engineering & IT
ISBN: 9781849687218
File Size: 4.48 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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This book takes a practical approach for building JAX WS web services with Java 7. Plenty of sample code and screenshots are used to help you apply these concepts in a real-world scenario. This book is targeted at developers who want to create web services with Java 7. If you use NetBeans-Glassfish for Java EE development you would be interested in how the new wsimport clientjar option may be leveraged to simplify web service development.


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