Back to the Vara by John Kerry

Back to the Vara by John Kerry from  in  category
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Author: John Kerry
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9780957238930
File Size: 1.93 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Two years have passed since Sammy returned from Perseopia. She was gone less than a week, yet she came back changed. Something inside her has awoken. She can sense people's intentions, is able to affect objects with her mind. And there's no one she can talk to about it. Her mother won't acknowledge her made-up fantasy stories and Esther, the old market woman, never returned for the bracelet. Sammy needs answers and her only hope for them lies back in Perseopia. Journey back to the vara with Sammy Ellis as she's once again thrust into the Fungi Forest to fend for herself. Discover the events that led up to her first visit and learn of the fallout she created in her wake.


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