Touch Of Venice/Secrets of Castillo del Arco/From Venice with Love/Pregnant by Morning by Trish Morey

Touch Of Venice/Secrets of Castillo del Arco/From Venice with Love/Pregnant by Morning by Trish Morey from  in  category
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Author: Trish Morey
Category: Romance , General Novel
ISBN: 9781489278470
File Size: 0.75 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
(price excluding 0% GST)


Secrets Of Castillo Del Arco - Trish Morey

Reclusive billionaire Raoul del Arco's deathbed promise to a friend haunts him. He swore to marry Gabriella D'Arenberg... but knows that taking her as his wife will only destroy her innocence.

Gabby has no idea that Raoul has sworn such an oath. And when he storms back into her life, he has a dark, dangerous edge she finds disturbingly alluring. Now trapped in Raoul's gothic castillo, Gabby is paying the price of his promise. The key to her lavish prison? Succumbing to her new husband's touch...

From Venice With Love - Alison Roberts

Dr Charlotte Highton has fulfilled her grandmother's dream of a luxury train trip to Venice. But how can she fulfil her final wish – to see Charlotte walk down the aisle?

Then, in the narrow streets of Venice adorned with twinkling Christmas lights, Charlotte literally bumps into delectable excolleague Dr Nico Moretti. And amongst the hustle and bustle of St Mark's Square, he drops down onto one knee and offers Charlotte a lifeline... a very spontaneous and temporary one!

Pregnant By Morning - Kat Cantrell

What was meant to be a one night affair has turned into much more for Texas businessman Matt Wheeler. Something about Evangeline, the mysterious woman he met at a masquerade ball, propels him from his self-imposed exile. He's finally able to forget his tragic past and lose himself in this incredible woman. But letting go has a price.

Evangeline's pregnancy announcement brings reality to their Venetian villa. Are they ready to take their secret affair public? Or will their romance end with the morning light?


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