Second Chance with the Best Man by Katrina Cudmore

Second Chance with the Best Man by Katrina Cudmore from  in  category
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Author: Katrina Cudmore
Category: Romance , General Novel
ISBN: 9781489285843
File Size: 0.79 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Can the man who broke her the one to mend it?

Travelling to France to bless her best friend's marriage, wedding celebrant Hannah McGinley's determined not to fall for the man who broke her heart once before - best man and marriage sceptic Laurent Bonneval. But their chemistry is impossible to ignore and amid the champagne and confetti her resolve melts. Yet for Hannah to consider a future with Laurent, he must prove he's dealt with his past.


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