Ryan by Amelia Wood

Ryan by Amelia Wood from  in  category
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Title: Ryan
Author: Amelia Wood
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 6610000269464
File Size: 2.91 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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This is A Biker Secret Baby Romance



Sometimes, it sucked to have morals and be a decent human being.

This wasn’t one of those times, though.

I wasn’t a relationship kind of guy, but neither was she.

She didn’t poke and prod about my scars or my military time.

She didn’t laden me down with expectations beyond a good time.

Best of all, I met her in a jail cell, and there was no better place to get to know a girl.



I’d gotten arrested plenty of times, but none of them were noteworthy.

Until now, when the shame of beating someone’s ass at a funeral was dulled by the guy I shared a cell with.

He’s drop-dead sexy, a secret gentleman, and just the right level of miserable that night.

He doesn’t shut me up.

He doesn’t drag me down.

He couldn’t be better for me, and I knew that there wouldn’t be any drama. Not our own, at least.

20,000 words (Standalone) with beautiful HEA (with no cheating) and NO Cliffhangers!


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