Life After War: A Global Case Study by Sonja Sharpe
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Sonja Sharpe
General Academics
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5.19 MB
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Global military spending exceeds 1 trillion dollars each year and costs countless lives. What can we, as a society, do to reduce war and all of it's ill-effects? Every country has found itself face to face with this situation at the close of a great war. What are the underlining "causes and effects" of war on our global society? How can our global society come together to better address today's conflicts? What global strategies can be implemented to directly address these complex issues? What can we (the USA) do to better take care of our military Veterans and their families? This book "Life after War (LAW): A Global Case Study" addresses these complex issues, conducts some extensive research, interview hundreds of military veterans and family members, and develop strategies and solutions.
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