Their Convenient Christmas Engagement by Catherine Mann

Their Convenient Christmas Engagement by Catherine Mann from  in  category
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Author: Catherine Mann
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9781867299141
File Size: 1.07 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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A mutually beneficial exchange.

A burst pipe had made widow Gwen Bishop and her young triplets Ian Greer’s unexpected houseguests. The handsome tree farmer asked for just one favour in return, to help give his mother a holiday to remember. A father figure for the boys, warm memories...a cheerfully decorated home. The arrangement was convenient to them all. Yet for a woman who didn’t trust her heart, it was a wake up call to what Gwen really wanted for Christmas. Ian.

Mills & Boon Western Romance — Small towns, cowboys and contemporary romance, the all-American way!


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