Building Christian Leadership in Schools by Dr Philip SA Cummins

Building Christian Leadership in Schools by Dr Philip SA Cummins from  in  category
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ISBN: 9781783016846
File Size: 3.78 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Love your neighbour as yourself. It’s as easy and as difficult as that. How does one build a model of Christian leadership in schools? A model that is sincere and authentic, that fulfills God’s law for our lives? In this book, we explore what it means to be a Christian leader in the context of a school today. We investigate and champion a model of Christian leadership that is for others, for change, for life, and allows us to practice being real. This book is offered to guide you on the journey of building a Christian leadership model in your school. Its short chapter format invites quick reading, then revisiting for thoughtful reflection.


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