Boy Named Romeo by Troy Veenstra

Boy Named Romeo by Troy Veenstra from  in  category
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Author: Troy Veenstra
Category: Motivation
ISBN: 9781311213686
File Size: 0.20 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Enter the world of a struggling, bullied Fourteen-year-old boy. Enter the world of a boy named Romeo, a young, kindhearted kid, searching for the reason of his existence while the world around him crumbles.

This book is based on the life of a boy Named Romeo, taken from the view points of the author, names of some people have been changed to protect their identity.

This is an ongoing series, following his life from April 2015 to September 2015. Each book will be the a combination of two months.

The purpose of these books are to help Romeo find himself while helping others like him that may be bullied themselves see that that they are not along, that they in fact are just like the boy named Romeo


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