Babes in the Water Barging In Europe - The Perfect Baby Boomer Adventure by Stephanie Kalesh

Babes in the Water Barging In Europe - The Perfect Baby Boomer Adventure by Stephanie Kalesh from  in  category
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Category: General Novel , Travel
ISBN: 9781922022066
File Size: 1.67 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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What should you do when you’ve never even been in a rowboat, but discover one boring Saturday morning, as you were reading two inches in a travel column, an instant but hitherto totally unknown passion to live and cruise on a barge in Europe? Should you give your Australian life the flick, pack your midlife crisis in two suitcases, kiss family and friends goodbye and grab a plane to the other side of the world to buy a boat? Absolutely! But where do you start?


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