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SGD 3.96

"You can easily manage Asthma!"

The Complete Asthma Guide is the perfect resource for anyone who wants to better understand and manage their condition. This book provides step-by-step instructions for everything from understanding, and avoiding your triggers to the many holistic asthma treatment options available. You'll also find helpful tips for dealing with asthma symptoms, managing medication, and more.

In this book you'll learn about:

History of Asthma

How do human lungs work?

What are the signs and symptoms?

Physiological damage

Environmental concerns

Common causes of Asthma




Food allergic reactions

Prescribed antibiotics

Toxic chemical vapors

Can asthma be cured?

Use a peak flowmeter


Stock up on nutrients

Thymus-supporting supplement

Remove wheat and dairy products

Herbs to fight bronchial asthma

A Natural Asthma Diet Plan

Holistic Asthma Treatment Methods

Halotherapy and Speleotherapy

Marine phytoplankton

The Papworth Method

The Buteyko Breathing Technique (BBT)

Traditional Chinese Medicine

And much, much more...

Grab your copy today!

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