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Out with the mess, live more with less, reclaim your home and free up space for abundance to flow in. The Designing Order - Getting Organized to Attract Abundance shows you how organizing to clear and simplify your living space reduces stresses and frustrations, and releases energy so that you can focus on the things that matter. Rather than whittling time away on possessions that bog you down, just by busting clutter and restoring order, you get life-changing results: more hours in a day, more satisfying relationships, a clearer headspace, and a home that is a sanctuary, not just a shelter. Your home is part of your story. What kind of story are you telling when you live with a mess? Understanding that organizing can be overwhelming and daunting, Corporate Project Interior Designer and Professional Organizer Rita Brown offers easy, inexpensive and effective solutions for you to take back your life. Having recently gone through the tumultuous process of suddenly losing a partner, a job and her mother, at a time when the world was shut down by a pandemic, Rita discovered first-hand that organizing restores order from chaos, and ushers in unexpected opportunities and freedoms. Ready to put an end to the mess? This book will get you quick results, from banishing clutter while creating a freer, more abundant and meaningful life.
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