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SGD 15.34

Mulgrew Middle School Summer Trip to Paris

Madame Chavotte:
French Teacher and Chaperone.
Built like a tank, with only one eyebrow.

Charlotte McGrath:
Vault of European Information.
In Command of All Details.

Bonnie Roberts:
Astral Traveler and Channeler of Messages from the Universe.

Janet Graham:
Obsessed with All That Is French.
Insists on pronouncing own name Jah-nay.

Lewis Pilsky:
Computer God. Walking Pillar of Geekdom.

Bud and Chaz:
The Football Guys.
Heads suspiciously jar shaped.

Last name unknown.
To everyone's knowledge, has never spoken.

And, of course . . .

Lily B.:
Self-Appointed Official Diarist of the Trip and Writer Extraordinaire.

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