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Home Bible Studies have been a big part of my ministry for over 20 years. I have used the one and two day studies as well as the ten and twelve part studies and have seen great results from them all. However, recently I have been impressed by the Spirit to develop an intermediate study. Pastors and soul winners alike have expressed to me the need of such a resource. “Bringing Men To Jesus” is a simple Home Bible Study with five easy to teach lessons. It has something of the feel of an extended study yet it is brief and direct. It is not meant to be an exhaustive study on Jewish history nor to be an in-depth study on ceremonies and customs. Rather, when a key character or event is highlighted the concept or principle is discussed and then the study moves on. It says what must be said to bring a candidate to an understanding of who God is and how to find Him. Lesson I , “Who Is God” is a faith building introduction to key attributes of the Spirit of God. It is evident in today’s society that there is a tremendous need to reintroduce this generation to the God of the Bible. For a person to find Salvation in God, they must begin with believing that He exists and that He controls the universe. Throughout the other lessons key Bible characters have been used to teach faith in God and obedience to His Word. The problem of sin, its origin and its consequence is dealt with in an evangelistic manner. The types and shadows of the Tabernacle of Moses are introduced and then explained with their New Testament counterparts; the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is my sincere desire that this Home Bible Study will be an effective tool in leading souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we see all that is taking place around us it is evident that the coming of the Lord is very near. We must do everything we can to reach our world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no ‘joy’ like the soul winner’s ‘joy’.
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