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SGD 274.64


“Kingdom of little angels, Story 1 – The King of Darkness, Santa Claus, disobedient little kids, Faith, Hope and Love”

By Alexander DUMPLING

The following is a sample file of the original screenplay written by Alexander Dumpling with reference to his published novel “Kingdom of little angels, Story 1 – The King of Darkness, Santa Claus, disobedient little kids, Faith, Hope and Love”. This is an EPUB file that only represents the type of narrative in the original screenplay to be purchased by you upon your request sent to the publisher in the person of Alexander Dumpling.

Due to EPUB specification requirements, that prohibit specifying fonts and margins, you have currently only been provided with a sample presented as a sequence of PNG files. In case if you are a film agent from a film production company, interested in purchasing the rest of the material and the book-to-film adaptation rights, you will be provided with a partially-completed Celtx project upon your request sent to Alexander Dumpling at his contact page. In that file, the screenwriting format follows the requirements set in their online guidelines by StorySense, which implies that the screenplay is in full conformity with the screenwriting industry standards. The price of the screenplay, in case if you request the complete version, would be $20,000.

Upon buying a sample file you acknowledge that you will also purchase the complete version of the original screenplay; if this is not the case, you are only allowed to get familiar with the reading sample comprised of several pages from the original screenplay. In case if you purchase the sample file presented as an electronic book (for $2,000) but do NOT purchase the complete version of the original screenplay (for $20,000), the writer in the person of Alexander Dumpling is under no obligation before you, and he retains the right to suggest the screenplay to any other film production company at any time.

Please only contact the writer in the person of Alexander Dumpling in case if you’re a film agent from the relevant film production company, interested in purchasing the rest of the material. Please do NOT send suggestions to find a literary agent who would consider the material and send it to your film production company in case of acceptance. Screenwriting is a sphere of business where fraud and deception are unfortunately not uncommon, and only direct deals with the film production companies and their agents will be considered. The author relies on your understanding and is looking forward to productive cooperation with you.

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