The Summerman Time Travel Matchmaking Agency by Laura Szabo-Cohen

The Summerman Time Travel Matchmaking Agency by Laura Szabo-Cohen from  in  category
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Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9781626759398
Publisher: Bookbaby
File Size: 0.71 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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If youre a woman with a big brain but a lust for beach-reading, do not miss the premiere of Szabo-Cohens The Summerman Time Travel Matchmaking Agency with its mind-blowing premise and addictive writing. In Book One: Open for Business, meet the Summerman sisters of Brooklyn, NY, who have just inherited their familys matchmaking business. Dagny, spiritually gifted beyond her own imaginings, inadvertently sends client Amanda Fox back 150 years to a very different Brooklyn.


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