Colton's Cinderella Bride by Lisa Childs

Colton's Cinderella Bride by Lisa Childs from  in  category
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Author: Lisa Childs
Category: General Novel
ISBN: 9781489266569
File Size: 0.52 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Happily–ever–after…or dead on time?

A Coltons of Red Ridge thriller

For one magical night, they were Cinderella and the prince. Reunited four years later, billionaire Blake Colton and K9 cop Juliette Walsh are worlds apart, and he is furious to learn that Juliette's secret daughter is his. But with danger closing in, Blake and Juliette must risk more than their rekindling passion to have a future with their child.


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