Made to Count by Randy Singer

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Title: Made to Count
Author: Randy Singer
Category: Christianity , Religion
ISBN: 9781418516338
File Size: 1.41 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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We all desperately want to leave a positive imprint on the world. We want to leave things and people better than we found them – to be remembered well. And so, we dread the idea that, in the end, our lives might not count for much.

Made to Count drives straight to the heart of that fear of failure. It will help you discover your God-designed purpose – to find your life's true meaning and live your life's greatest passion.

Using eight powerful biblical principles that are revolutionizing people's lives, as well as the fascinating stories of those changed by them, Reccord and Singer teach you how to hear God's call and discover His specific plan for you. These principles transcend time, cultures, and occupations. They are broadly universal and, yet, individually unique.

This astonishing book can change your  life . . . then you can change your world. Read it now and discover the potential you have to make a significant difference in the world – how you have been divinely made to count.


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