Postcards From Buenos Aires/The Playboy of Argentina/Melting the Argentine Doctor's Heart/Kept at the Argentine's Command by Meredith Webber

Postcards From Buenos Aires/The Playboy of Argentina/Melting the Argentine Doctor's Heart/Kept at the Argentine's Command by Meredith Webber from  in  category
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The Playboy Of Argentina - Bella Frances

Polo-playing legend Rocco Hermida once blazed through Frankie Ryan's life like a hurricane, leaving behind a trail of emotional devastation and unfulfilled desire. Meeting him again, Frankie's horrified to discover that the passion Rocco ignited is still simmering...and one scorching kiss drives it to boiling point! A brief fling seems the perfect solution. But will one night be enough?

Melting The Argentine Doctor's Heart - Meredith Webber

Scarred in an accident, Dr Jorge Suarez turns his back on everything except his work in the poorer areas of Buenos Aires. He doesn't deal with emotions - especially not his own! That is until his beautiful ex Caroline arrives with their adorable daughter who calls him 'Papa'. Dr Jorge is starting to feel again - whether he wants to or not...

Kept At The Argentine's Command - Lucy Ellis

Cynical best man, Argentinian polo god Alejandro du Crozier hates weddings...until he gets inconveniently stranded in the Scottish Highlands with the alluring maid-of-honour Lulu Lachaille! The temptation inexperienced Lulu presents is too much for Alejandro to refuse. But he's determined to keep Lulu under his command, so he whisks her away to Buenos Aires until he is sure that their recklessness hasn't left lasting consequences...


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