Aussie Heroes Family Secrets/Reunited by a Baby Bombshell/Stranded with the Secret Billionaire/Her Knight in the Outback by NIKKI LOGAN

Aussie Heroes Family Secrets/Reunited by a Baby Bombshell/Stranded with the Secret Billionaire/Her Knight in the Outback by NIKKI LOGAN from  in  category
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Reunited By A Baby Bombshell - Barbara Hannay

Prima ballerina Eva Hennessey has made her life in Paris – far away from her childhood sweetheart, Griffin Fletcher. But when an invitation arrives for her school reunion, she nervously accepts!

Griff never imagined he would see Eva again, and now he wants some answers. She may be more beautiful than he remembers, but she also masks a pain only he can see. It’s a secret she’s kept far too long. And when she finally tells him, their worlds change forever...

Stranded With The Secret Billionaire - Marion Lennox

Jilted heiress Penny Hindmarsh-Firth sets her broken heart on escaping high-society city life. Instead, she’s trapped by floods in the Outback and a handsome stranger on horseback comes to her rescue!

After a betrayal shattered his life, Matt Fraser withdrew from the world – but he can’t deny Penny a refuge. The secret billionaire is reluctantly intrigued as the society princess starts proving there’s more to her than meets the eye...

Her Knight In The Outback - Nikki Logan

Eve Read doesn’t need help from anyone. She’s searching for her missing brother and doesn’t want any distractions. Yet sharing her burden with mysterious leather-clad biker Marshall Sullivan is a relief, and soon Eve can’t resist the sparks igniting between them!

Meteorologist Marshall spends his life on the road, but there’s something about Eve that makes him want to stay put. Has Eve finally found what she’s been searching for all along?


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