Glass Towers and Goats by Gary Cox

Glass Towers and Goats by Gary Cox from  in  category
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Author: Gary Cox
ISBN: 9781098312237
Publisher: Bookbaby
File Size: 4.18 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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After terrifying her teachers at Compton Prodigy College, a school for the ultra-gifted in Chicago, Tildey Starling, fifteen, moves with her parents to Moab Utah– so she can try being a "normal" girl. Shortly after starting school at Grand Valley High, she meets climate change activist, Carmella Blacksnake, a Navajo. Together the two become outrageous climate change activists set on upending the world of the wrestling team, the school principal, a County Commissioner, and a team of academic henchmen from the Institute of Advanced Studies.


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