Bangkok Hard Time by Jon Cole

Bangkok Hard Time by Jon Cole from  in  category
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Author: Jon Cole
ISBN: 978-981-435-833-0
Publisher: Monsoon Books
File Size: 1.30 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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It is 1967 Bangkok, the Summer of Love, and for teenager Jon Cole, son of a US Green Beret colonel serving in the Vietnam War, life as a young Westerner in the City of Angels is sweeter than mangoes on sticky rice with coconut milk … until he is introduced to the infamous House of Lek. Drawn to the underbelly of Bangkok, the International School Bangkok pupil soon discovers ganja, opium and the two-dollar bordellos. What follows is a surreal but true story of one Westerner’s relationship with Thailand spanning four decades. A drug habit picked up at the House of Lek with schoolmates and GIs on R&R from Vietnam leads to a career as a drug smuggler, a nasty smack habit and, ultimately, a long stretch inside Bangkok’s notorious prison, the “Bangkok Hilton”.


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