The Promise Of Vision Causing Supernatural Growth by Dr Stuart Robinson

The Promise Of Vision Causing Supernatural Growth by Dr Stuart Robinson from  in  category
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Category: Religion
ISBN: 9780987089182
File Size: 1.54 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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THE PROMISE OF VISION: Causing Supernatural Growth By Award Winning & Best Selling Author Dr Stuart Robinson As we search the scriptures, there are so many references and examples of what God wants to do within his church. However, comparatively, so often little of that seems to be happening. In that situation it is common to rationalise God's promises down to explain or excuse our levelled ineffectiveness. The better course would be, by faith to lift our expectations up to what God's Word declares should be so, to wait upon him for his vision for what he wants us to become and then to continue to wait upon him to discern how he wants us to proceed. This book is about "vision", what it is, how we get it, what place it plays and how to implement it. It is a missing component in many Christians.


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