Although the premise for this book reads like science fiction, it rests firmly in the strangeness of reality. Harmonizing Consciousness: How the Acquired Faculty of Language Wreaks Havoc on Human Consciousness, and What We Can Do About It, will challenge readers to think about their lives as they never have before. It puts a spotlight on how human consciousness has become distinct from other animals and the special challenges that come along with being human.
After reading this book, readers will better understand what needs to be done to improve their well-being and how certain kinds of activities and therapies are effective in countering the negative effects of acquiring language. Eleven activities are described, including a simple meditation that makes it easy to begin a regular practice and stay on track with it. Three effective therapies are also discussed as well as how to find qualified facilitators for them; Eye Movement Desensitization Reprogramming (EMDR); Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT); and Hypnotherapy.
The stages of harmonizing consciousness are described in a cartoon about a girl and a gorilla. The GorillaFriend cartoon is the authors revision of the Ten Ox-herding Pictures which are ancient paintings from the Zen tradition and point to the stages of meditation and the path of enlightening.
Opportunities to ponder and practice what contributes to optimal functioning as a human being, are found in the pages of this book.
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