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DON'T LET THE GREEN RUSH PASS YOU BY! Millions are being made daily in the legal marijuana industry. Do you have a seat at the table? As marijuana legalization sweeps the globe, billions of dollars are being made - primarily by white men - in what is known as the 'green rush.' While people of color in particular have paid the disproportionate price of the failed war on drugs for decades, they are not getting their fair share of the massive amount of money now being made in the legal marijuana industry. Women are still underrepresented as well. As a woman or person of color, it is time for you to get into the game and to become a part of this multi-billion dollar industry. In Being Black or Brown in the Green Rush, authors Ingrid Joiya-Warrick, JD. and Yurikino Downing JD. reveal the tips and strategies of how you can get your much deserved seat at the Green Rush table. Don't be left behind. Millionaires are being made every day. Why shouldn't you be one of them?
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