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The Founding Fathers are interrupted in a Heavenly Think Tank session by an urgent message that America is under attack. The day is September 11, 2001. They move instantly to lower Manhattan to comfort the injured and escort newly released souls, 3000 of them, to their eternal home. At the end of the task, the Fathers launch a plan they have used before to find a dynamic new American president when the country was in crisis. The Fathers divided the United States into eight areas and the fifty-six of them into eight groups of seven. The hunt was on for eight potentially great American leaders. Finally, eight leaders were singled out; unaware they had been under scrutiny. The Fathers were in spirit form during the search, but now revealed themselves to the eight. The training was to begin at a historic site in Philadelphia on a given date and time. The faculty would be the fifty-six plus other great American heroes. The training would run a period of weeks. They then return to their home areas to start building their political leadership skills. They were clearly briefed that they had ten years to be ready for the 2012 election. Fast-forward two years to Inauguration Day, January 2013. The new president and vice-president had been sworn in to office. There were six more waiting to fill key Cabinet Posts. These eight would start the turn around. The “City on the Hill” was beginning to shine.
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