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Together Everyone Achieves More: 33 and 1/3 The Complete Educational Process was developed by Dr. Charles H. Clark Jr. and Shemon Reaves It is a concept designed to deal with the real lives of parents, teachers and students along with the process of education in today's society. Many parents are struggling to find ways to improve their child's performance inside the classroom. Teachers are under enormous amounts of stress to get students prepared for "The Test." Majority of today's students are searching for self-identity and trying to figure out how an education will really help them in the future. This book is designed to get those truly concerned about the educational process to step up, step out and not be so passive in the process of educating tomorrow's leaders. The research and practical information presented in this book is not designed to make the reader feel good, but to become actively engaged with the text and see the educational process from the perspectives of the parents, teachers, and the students. This book contains real world approaches and examples to connect parents, teachers and students together to increase the possibilities of having the best educational experience!
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