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Just as he’s about to set foot in Heim, Ein steels himself for what is sure to be a gruesome battle—one that will settle a feud that has gone on for long enough. As the Ishtarican-Heim conflict escalates, however, questions surrounding the red foxes’ endgame hang over the battlefield. But the crown prince quickly realizes that his first war will be full of surprises when he’s thrown into combat against his father, Rogas—the very man who taught him how to wield a sword. But the familial in-fighting only intensifies when Ein’s brother proceeds to stand before his blade. Fully aware of the tall order ahead of him, the crown prince must brave these hardships in order to vanquish the foxes once and for all. He vows to fight until the bitter end, even if he falls in the process. Will justice prevail? Or will the royal family’s second Demon Lord make the same mistakes as his predecessor?

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