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This book introduces a formula for life that resolves all the problems humanity faces—something entirely new in history, solved through mathematics. From the economic, political, and social issues of humanity to the individual's spiritual and lifestyle concerns, this formula addresses it all.

Author Lee Sangdae has dedicated himself since 1961 (at age 25) to finding a formula that creates a world without bloodshed, tears, and sighs. Among the numerous culminations reached, he has encapsulated key concepts in "Higher Consciousness - Working Thinking."

Individuals who understand and apply this formula in their own lives—knowing how their thoughts and actions simultaneously benefit their nation, ethnicity, and humanity—will be the foundation for eternal peace and harmony for humankind.

Therefore, educators, philosophers, sociologists, those seeking moral recovery, teachers and parents striving for character education, as well as religious or political leaders, are particularly encouraged to prioritize reading this book.

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