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Written by authors Jeff Conner of the world-renowned Boston Brass, and Grammy nominated recording producer and university professor John M. Laverty, the theme of The Portfolio Musician: Case Studies in Success is that the musicians of today need to have multiple skills in music unlike prior generations that only needed a single skill. An examination of the contributing musicians’ profiles confirms that this is sage advice. Containing a collection of forty-seven profiles, the Portfolio Musicians share their experiences in classical music, pop music, jazz, opera, conducting, composing, teaching, the music industry, artist management, studio recording, and many other fields of music. The average number of professional activities in music reported by the Portfolio Musicians throughout their careers is five. Their collected advice for aspiring musicians provides real world strategies including things to do as well as things not to do. The time frame for which a person decides to be a musician (on average, age fifteen for the Portfolio Musicians) through formal music study (college) is another focus of the book. It is during this time the multiple seeds for success are planted and the necessary skills to be successful in music are acquired.
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