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The Performance enhancement Programme (PeP) lays the foundation for establishing a People Centred Organisation capable of delivering a turnaround in the most unlikely circumstances through People Centred Performance Enhancement. Born in the challenge of a University turnaround the PeP was nurtured in the private sector and given its biggest test in a huge national public sector turnaround. The PeP offers a road-map to turnarounds in both the public and private sectors. The Director-General of the South African, Department of Justice and Constitutional Development wrote the following in the year ended 31 March 2003, Vote 23 Annual Report. “Although management is striving towards improving financial management within the Department, it is concluded that there are still control weaknesses due to the following: Inadequate management. Non-compliance with rules and regulations. Non-compliance with laid down systems. Lack of accounting knowledge and under standing. Lack of discipline and disciplinary actions against offenders. Lack of accountability and responsibility. Lack of financial management capacity. Inadequate training. Lack of supervision. Negligence.” A PeP was launched with the commitment of many. The end result of which was: “Honourable Members, Last year the Dept. obtained, for the first time ever, an Unqualified Audit on its vote account in respect of the 2003/04 financial year. This was an exciting moment because it had never been done in the history of the Department. This major achievement was made possible by the commitment and dedication of the former Director-General, Adv. Vusi Pikoli; the CFO Alan Mackenzie and all the staff. For this I salute and thank them.” Ms. Brigitte Mabandla Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development addressing the National Assembly in Parliament on 20 May 2005. Read this Book to Achieve Success through a 360° PeP. The book is not about the above Dept. It is about the PeP used for success by many.
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