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Healthcare Elsewhere is a medical tourism show that shares the success stories of medical tourism patients. Host John Cote interviews Doctors, healthcare experts and patients worldwide to help educate people about the affordable and cutting edge options available globally. Many patients find that the cost, time frame or availability of a particular procedure is too expensive or not available in their country so they travel elsewhere to get their treatment. This can range from cosmetic procedures, to stem cell and cancer treatments or knee or hip replacement surgery as examples. My wife and I have had some experience with traveling for medical care over the years. Jennifer is a two-time cancer survivor and she traveled across the country to Duke University many years ago for experimental cancer vaccines. Our children are originally from Poland; we adopted them into our family 10 years ago. We had experience dealing with several of our children’s medical issues during the many months we were in Poland to facilitate the adoption. For example, our son Peter is deaf. We traveled with him for Cochlear Implant surgery twice; this technology allows him to hear, understand, and function just like any other hearing person on the planet! Medical tourism provides options. The current medical “system” in the United States and many other countries is broken. Many people around the world are finding that their medical costs are spiraling out of control and they are looking to find better, more affordable options. High costs, mediocre service, long wait times, insurance issues, and a variety of other maladies plague this system. There are amazing medical advances happening all of the time, yet many of us feel like we don’t have access to what we need unless we have top-tier insurance. Over the last 20+ years in the United States, statistics have consistently shown that over half (about 60%) of all bankruptcies involve medical debt. Many of those people actually had insurance.
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