The Journey of Anna Eichenwald by Donald Hunt

The Journey of Anna Eichenwald by Donald Hunt from  in  category
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Author: Donald Hunt
Category: History , General Novel
ISBN: 9781543965049
Publisher: Bookbaby
File Size: 3.98 MB
Format: EPUB (e-book)
DRM: Applied (Requires eSentral Reader App)
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Anna Eichenwald, born in Berlin in 1901, was the first woman to attend the University of Berlin Medical School, and became a gifted surgeon on the teaching staff of the University Hospital. He father Hanz held a professorship in physics at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute. WWI had come to an end with an unlimited opportunity for advancement of medicine and physics. But it was "August Days", and the Kaiser had abdicated leaving a void that was filled by an insignificant Austrian corporal of WWI. He rapidly imposed his worldview of Social Darwinism and Ethnic Cleansing on the people. Reason for 66 million German people was radically being altered from one of a moral foundation to one embracing immorality rooted in anti-Semitism. Since Anna had no interest in politics, her friends pleaded with her.... "Anna, elephants will fly before you will be safe in Germany." Soon she would come to understand; Anna was a Jew.


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